Code of Conduct for Central Chapter (CCNS)   

Central Chapter 9010 of the Harley Owners Group exists for the reasons as outlined in the Annual Charter for H.O.G. Chapters.

The purpose of the local chapter shall be to promote responsible motorcycling activities for H.O.G. members by conducting Chapter activities and encouraging participation in other H.O.G. events.

Chapter activities and operations shall be conducted in a manner consistent with a family orientated, non-political philosophy.

The Central Chapter has both a moral and a legal obligation to provide a safe and friendly environment for members, guests and the public in general.

The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to provide guidance on the standard of behaviors expected as a Central H.O.G. Chapter member, which includes:

Behaving in a manner that reflects positively upon the Chapter, H.O.G and the Sponsoring Dealership.

Abiding by the Annual Charter for H.O.G. Chapters.

Ensuring your motorcycle is registered, insured and roadworthy.

Please refrain from the following: Aggressive and abusive (both verbal and physical) behaviour. Discrimination (sexual, racial, religious, physical) or bullying. Undermining Chapter events or activities including disruptive or coercive behaviour. Conduct that creates segregation or disharmony within the Chapter. Derogatory or defamatory comments towards the Chapter and its members. Unsafe riding, which includes alcohol or drug impaired, speeding or irresponsible riding that puts members and the public at risk. 

Breaches of the Code of Conduct

It is not possible to outline all possible breaches of the Code of Conduct, however general standards of public behaviour, common sense and individual circumstance all influence the behaviour under which we operate our Chapter.

In all cases of infringement, these will be considered by the Chapter Officers and their decision will represent the Chapters overall view and a formal disciplinary process will follow as

  • First infringement: formal written warning from the Chapter Director and Sponsoring Dealer and will stay in effect for one year from the date of issue.
  • Second infringement: formal written warning from the Chapter Director and Sponsoring Dealer and will stay in effect for one year from the date of issue.
  • Any subsequent infringement will result in the immediate cancellation of the individual’s local Chapters membership.

Under the Charter Rules of Association, should the offence be considered severe, immediate expulsion from the Chapter can occur.

All members have the right to appeal, and their case will be heard by the Chapter Executive.